The Committee finally reached agreement on two important issues. E.B. I think we all agree that prices should be kept low. In accordance with e.B., I agree with them that she should be given more responsibility. It`s not wrong, but it`s also not as it`s usually said. The meaning changes subtly. This makes you think of the agreement as a kind of common project in which others participate. When in doubt, you should use “on” instead of “with” here. Middle English pleasantly, borrowed from the Anglo-French agreement, approval, the agreement “please, consent, accept” + -ment -ment We finally reached an agreement: I would cook and Ann would clean. These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “agreement”. The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. They signed two agreements on improving economic cooperation.
By appointment, e.B. with the consent of all the members of the club, we decided to organize a trip. We agreed that you should pay before the first of the month. There is still no agreement on the policy. Encyclopedia article on correspondence The prepositions we can use with “match” according to the Oxford Collocations Dictionary: correspondence between e.B. Teachers agree that changes need to be made. under an agreement, e.B. the farmer cannot use this field. Management announced that it had reached an agreement with the unions. Agreement between e.B. NAFTA is the trade agreement between Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Again, this isn`t wrong, but it`s a little less idiomatic. Again, the meaning changes subtly. You say you spent time on his agreement. So the emphasis here is that you`ve spent time/effort, whereas with “on” it`s more factual. And when in doubt, you should use “on” here. Note: Under customary law, the agreement is a necessary element of a valid contract. In accordance with Article 1-201(3) of the Unified Commercial Code, the agreement is the agreement of the parties expressly represented by their language or implicitly by other circumstances (in the context of business). In fact, we use them ALL in English – but in different situations.
So today you are going to learn 5 ways to use the chord verb correctly, with sample sentences that will show you the right way. We agree with a person if we have the same opinion as that person. On the other hand, you wouldn`t use “in” because it`s not a place or container. If you have any questions about other prepositions, please let me know in the comments and I will try to explain this. Look at these two examples – let`s say I`m a vegetarian and my sister isn`t. We may also agree/disagree with any statement, decision, article, opinion, idea or other form of communication or position: we may also accept the terms of a contract; This means that we agree with it, we accept it: the difference with the previous example is that a noun or a question word (agree with the policy, agree on where the party should take place), while we agree that a subject + verb or the -ING form of the verb follows: we agree on or on a subject or a plan. Here are some examples: If someone says, “I think it`s important to preserve the environment,” and you share that opinion, you can say, “I agree with you.” You could also simply say, “I agree.” Here are some other examples of agreeing with someone else: As a teacher, I see many of the same mistakes that are commonly made by students – and that`s why I created the 200 most common mistakes in the English course. One last piece of advice: never say “I agree” – that`s not true. The use of the phrase “On” is correct in your example because previously “verb” was used and the action and something happened. It`s very easy to make those little mistakes when you`re learning English, and it`s hard to discover and correct your own mistakes! Always say “I agree,” and then use one of the words you learned in this lesson – okay, agree/on, agree, agree, agree. Note the difference – we agree on/on a topic; We agree with someone`s opinion/statement on a topic.
. We agree to perform an action – so okay, followed by a verb – and that means you promise to perform the action: agree that this will be followed by the thing we agree on.. .