Sykes Picot Agreement Impact

The Sykes-Picot Agreement was a secret agreement between the British and French governments during World War I to divide the Ottoman Empire`s territories in the Middle East into spheres of influence, with the ultimate goal of establishing their own control over the region. This agreement had a significant impact on the Middle East, shaping the region`s political landscape for the next century.

One of the most significant impacts of the Sykes-Picot Agreement was the artificial creation of new states in the Middle East that ignored ethnic and cultural differences and were designed to suit the interests of the British and French powers. This led to the formation of fragile states with few shared values or common goals, which made it difficult for them to govern themselves effectively.

Additionally, the Sykes-Picot Agreement fueled resentment and anger in the Middle East that still exists today. The Middle East has long been a region of diverse cultures and beliefs, and the imposition of foreign control over its territories caused significant unrest and rebellion among its inhabitants.

Another significant impact of the Sykes-Picot Agreement was the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state in 1948. The agreement initially planned to give Palestine to the French, but the British changed the plan and decided to divide Palestine into two states: one for Jews and one for Arabs.

However, this decision led to a long-standing conflict between Israel and Palestine since many Palestinians believed they had been displaced from their homes, leading to bitterness and hostility that still exists today.

In conclusion, the Sykes-Picot Agreement greatly impacted the Middle East, shaping its history and political landscape for the next century. It led to the creation of artifical states, fueled resentment and anger, and led to the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state. Understanding this historical event is crucial when analyzing current events in the Middle East.