Agencies with Interchange Agreements

OPM reminds organizations that they must report all vacancies to OPM and prioritize selection when hiring, as required by the Career Transition Assistance Program for Surplus and Displaced Employees. See Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations (5 CFR) Part 330, Subsections F and G. Other persons appointed under this authority receive a career-based appointment. Service that begins with a non-temporary appointment to the External Action Service will only be taken into account in the 3-year period of service for the duration of the career if the person is appointed under that authority within 30 days of separation from the career appointment in the External Action Service. (d) be appointed to competitive service within 3 years of the termination of a career in the External Action Service, but the time limit does not apply to a person who is entitled to veterans` preference or to a person who has served 3 years of substantially uninterrupted service in one or more non-temporary appointments in the foreign service immediately before the separation of an unlimited professional appointment. [To calculate the 3 years of service, apply the rules for service interruptions and leave without pay contained in 5 CFR 315.201(b).] Determination of the basic salary. See 5 CFR 531.216. In addition, a Department of Defense (DOD) employee not assigned to the Fund Instrument (NAFI) who travels within the DOD and a NaFI Coast Guard employee who travels within the Coast Guard without a service interruption of more than 3 days are NOT eligible for appointment to higher qualifications in accordance with 5 CFR 531.212. A NAFI employee who transitions to the public service in other circumstances (and with an interruption of at least 90 days since their last period of employment at the federal level or in a particular District of Columbia) may be considered for a higher qualification designation. Applies only to current or former employees of the Federal Competition Service who apply for employment under performance promotion procedures. In general, an official may not be promoted to more than two grades in posts up to grade GS-05 within one year. Beyond grade GS-05, an official must serve at least one year in a given grade and may not be promoted more than one or two grades per year. Classroom time requirements are designed to avoid excessively quick promotions in the general schedule.

Agencies make a selection in the highest quality category, regardless of the number of applicants (i.e. the rule of three does not apply). However, preference holders receive absolute preference within each category. If an eligible preference is included in the category, an agency cannot select a non-preference unless the agency requests to remit the preference in accordance with 5 U.S.C§ 3318 and the application is approved. The Employees of Non-Earmarked Funds Benefits Portability Act, 1990 (Pub. L. 101-508) allows for the consideration of the service with an Unallocated Fund Instrument (NAFI) when determining the salaries and benefits of a Department of Defence (DOD) NAFI employee who transitions to a public servant appointment within the DOD and a Coast Guard NAFI employee who transitions to a formal appointment with the Coast Guard on or after January 1. 1987 – but only if the employee changes between the two appointments, without interruption of service of more than 3 days.

In addition, Public Law 104-106 (10 February 1996) amended the Portability Act to allow certain pension benefits with an interruption of service not exceeding 1 year. To be covered by these provisions, an appointment may be made on the basis of the exchange agreement or another valid appointing authority. The following information is intended to help you understand DHS job postings. This list is not exhaustive, but it should give you a useful overview of common hiring conditions. Please refer to the text of a particular JOA to determine which of the following categories and referenced websites are applicable. Before you take the time to start the application process, please check an JOA very carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the HR professional listed in the JOA. Several government-wide appointing agencies listed below allow or require agencies not to competitively convert employees into career or career appointments of exempt or temporary appointments. In addition, some agencies may have their own conversion powers on the basis of specific legal provisions.

There are certain positions where certain qualifications are absolutely necessary, because a person without such qualifications cannot successfully work in the position. These qualifications may include specific knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA) or federal or state licenses or certifications. Below is a partial list of appointing authorities authorized by laws other than Title 5 U.S.C. .